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Les membres de l’équipe de Binnaz Yalcin font la couverture de EMBO Molecular Medicine ce mois-ci! Cela coïncide avec leur début d’installation sur Gabriel.

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Les membres de l’équipe de Binnaz Yalcin font la couverture de EMBO Molecular Medicine ce mois-ci! Cela coïncide avec leur début d’installation sur Gabriel.


EMBO Molecular Medicine

Volume 17,Issue 1,13 January 2025

This month's cover highlights the article Bi-allelic variants in WDR47 cause a complex neurodevelopmental syndrome by Efil Bayam, Binnaz Yalcin, Juliette D. Godin and colleagues. The image features a “warholesque” depiction of a mouse collosal neuron that will undergo rapid degeneration upon WDR47 inactivation. The study presents evidence of a causal link between variants in the WDR47 gene and a complex neu-rodevelopmental syndrome, characterized by corpus callosum dysgenesis, microcephaly, and other neuroanatomical traits in both humans and mice.

Scientific image by Efil Bayam and Elena Brivio

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EMBO Molecular Medicine

Volume 17,Issue 1,13 January 2025

This month's cover highlights the article Bi-allelic variants in WDR47 cause a complex neurodevelopmental syndrome by Efil Bayam, Binnaz Yalcin, Juliette D. Godin and colleagues. The image features a “warholesque” depiction of a mouse collosal neuron that will undergo rapid degeneration upon WDR47 inactivation. The study presents evidence of a causal link between variants in the WDR47 gene and a complex neu-rodevelopmental syndrome, characterized by corpus callosum dysgenesis, microcephaly, and other neuroanatomical traits in both humans and mice.

Scientific image by Efil Bayam and Elena Brivio


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